Create Virus and Anti-Virus.
Antivirus are clear only what type of virus name programed in the antivirus software.
using command prompt(CMD)
to make a simple virus and antivirus.
1.Create virus in CMD.
simple way to create a virus to using simple codes.
step 1 : open note pad or any text editor.
step 2 : type the coding
@echo off
color 0a
msg *You have just launched jocker %random%
echo This is jocker #%random% >C:\Test\%random%%random%.virus.txt
goto Reckon
step 3 : save the file jocker.cmd don't save text file.
this virus create a number of text documents in the C drive.
you want change the name jocker and location c: in which name or location you need.
this is only used education prepuce.
2.Create Anti-virus in CMD.
simple way to create antivirus not using any software's.
step 1 : open notepad or any text editor.
step 2 : type the coding.
@echo offstep 3 : main thing is what name put in your virus put the same name in antivirus.
color 0a
msg *Removing jocker Virus
del /s *virus.txt
echo Virus Successfully Removed
step 4 : save the file in jocker.cmd don't save text type document.
the imortent step is name of the virus what you type in virus coding type the same in antivirus coding.
name of the coding is show red colour words in this post.
you want know any other virus name you can clear that also using this method.
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