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Showing posts from July, 2017

How to recover whats app chats

Recover your what'sapp chats(messages)  whats app automatically back up chat history in lost 7 days history. you lost the chats of your whatsapp. simple to restore the whatsapp history that less then 7days. Restore in  7days . step 1 :          Backup your current Whatsapp chat history. any new messages received after a backup that not be saved so before backup get your all messages. step 2 :          Uninstall whatsapp. go to settings->Applications-  > whatsapp->Uninstall. then reboot your mobile. step 3 :          Reinstall whatsapp. open whatsapp and then  verify your phone number. step 4 :           Restore whatsapp message. click the restore button when prompted. Restore after 7days. whatsapp chats older then 7days its more difficult to restore with in 7day...

How to change friends profile picture on whatsapp

Change Your Friends Profile picture on your what's app. your friends will set an profile picture on his whats app. you want to change that profile in your whats app. follow these steps to change your friends profile picture. step 1:      The profile picture are generally there in your mobile whats app folder under the profile picture subhead. go to file manager -> select whatsapp folder -> select profile pictures folder -> step 2 :         select which you want profile picture you want to replace it with remember that it should be an appropriate image and change the size of image in to 640×640 pixels which is being the standard size for a profile picture on whatsapp. croup the image you want change. step 3 :        then place the image in the WhatsApp -> profile picture folder after naming it with the number of your friend. now when you will open the what...

Best off line dictionary app

Best offline dictionary app The dictionary apps used to find words meaning. But they need online data. This app no need online. You can find words meaning in any war. Example email, website, PDF files. 1. Look up-A pop up dictionary . The best offline dictionary app. This app very useful to find any words meaning, noun and pronoun. Other apps you open the app and type or past your text then the app will show the meaning . But this app you just select the word or sentence the meaning will show in your screen. Link :

how to change android in to windows

Change your Android mobile in to windows. Many of Android users want to change her mobile in to windows. Use this simple apps to change your mobile. 1.Lembo PC emulator. This app is change your OS fully to windows. But this apps option is very deficult so use it care fully. Choose any wrong option your OS may be not work properly. so please watch this video before launch this app  Video from tech now review channel it's not my channel. Link : App link : 2.Computer launcher. This is safe and simply app for Android to windows changing. The best windows launcher ever. It change your mobile looks like a computer. You change all OS of your mobile install the 1 app. Just look of computer you want install this. Link :   ...

How to create a antivirus

 Create Virus and Anti-Virus. create your own virus. the virus is also a program to damage the system. Antivirus are clear only what type of virus name programed in the antivirus software. using command prompt(CMD) to make a simple virus and antivirus. 1.Create virus in CMD.  simple way to create a virus to using simple codes. step 1 : open note pad or any text editor. step 2 : type the coding @echo off color 0a msg *You have just launched jocker %random% :Reckon echo This is jocker #%random% >C:\Test\%random%%random%.virus.txt goto Reckon step 3 : save the file jocker.cmd don't save text file.   this virus create a number of text documents in the C drive. you want change the name jocker and location c: in which name or location you need. this is only used education prepuce.   2.Create Anti-virus in CMD. simple way to create antivirus not using any software's. step 1 : open notepad or any text...

How to change mobile in to wireless mouse

Change Your Friends Profile picture on your what's app. your friends will set an profile picture on his whats app. you want to change that profile in your whats app. follow these steps to change your friends profile picture. step 1:      The profile picture are generally there in your mobile whats app folder under the profile picture subhead. go to file manager -> select whatsapp folder -> select profile pictures folder -> step 2 :         select which you want profile picture you want to replace it with remember that it should be an appropriate image and change the size of image in to 640×640 pixels which is being the standard size for a profile picture on whatsapp. croup the image you want change. step 3 :        then place the image in the WhatsApp -> profile picture folder after naming it with the number of your friend. now when you will open the what...

how to edit blogger post in html

Edit your blog posts for more options. the blogger have so much options but it not have scroll bar, sing in, log in, log out and more types of buttons you want to add that buttons in your post use html codes. html in blog post. step 1 : go to your blog. step 2 : click new post. step 3: see the left side of the window compose and html potion will show. chose the html option. 1.Add Scroll Bar.  Example: code is copy from w3schools website. Run » <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> ​ <p>An iframe where scrollbars are always shown:</p> <iframe src="/default.asp" width="200" height="200" scrolling="yes">   <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe> ​ <p>An iframe where scrollbars are never shown:</p> <iframe src="/default.asp" width="200" height="200" scrolling="no">   <p>Your browser does not suppo...

How to create a own logo

how to create a own logo Logo creating. Create a logo, fb cover, Twitter cover, YouTube cover and more options in  This Android app. Create your own logo in best graphics and animation method on this app. Example logo. This is a basic logo You want more options on this app. Create original logos using thousands of free graphics elements and editing options.  Logo maker plus.  Logo maker is best app for Android users. Create any logo in the professional logo style. Not only logo maker it also have Fb cover,twitter cover,youtube cover and more options. Perfect app for logo making. Create your best logo on this app. Click the link to install. Link :       Comment below     How this app works     

How to change mobile in to PC remote.

how to change mobile in to PC remote Change your mobile in to PC(computer and lap )remote. This post we see how to control your PC(computer) in your Android mobile. Using apps to control. app(software) Chrome remote desktop is computer software. Install this software in your computer. Allows users to remotely access another computer throw chrome browser or mobile app. Click the link below to install app in your computer. Link : 2.Mobile app. Install this app in your mobile. To connect chrome remote desktop software on your computer. On your Android device open the app and tap on any of Online computer to connect. Both computer and mobile have internet connection is important. Install this app in your mobile click the link below. Link :  ...