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campus interview questions and answers for IT (technical manger interview )

 List of Basic IT Job Titles.


2.web developer.
3.Datebase administrators.
4.Network administrators.

 The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software.
basic language for programmer.
* C& C++.
* Java.

C++ interview questions.

  1.what is C++?

     C++ is created by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T bell labs as an extension of c, C++ is an object-oriented computer language used in the development of enterprise and commercial applications.

Microsoft's Visual C++ became the primer language of choice    among developers and programmers.
2.what is full form of OOPS?
  OOPs stands for Object Oriented Programing System .

3.what is a class.
   A class is a data structure where entities, attributes and action are clubbed under one name. class is also considered as a carbon copy which reflects the entities, attributes and actions. in general, a class define user defined data types. for example, when we say student class, it will have student name, class , age well as the methods needed for accessing or manipulating with its members.
 class student
char Name[20];
char Class[15];
int Age;
void displaystdName();
int getAge(char stdName);

4.what is the role of protected access specifier?
   protected data members can be accessed by the class in which it is declared / defined and its derived classes. But these members are not available for any other classes which are not derived class.
5.Expline the purpose of the keyword volatile?
   when we use volatile on the variable, it tells the compiler that it can be changed externally. Therefore compiler will not optimize the  code while referencing the variables.
6.what is a storage class?
    Storage classes are used to indicate the scope of the variables and functions in a program.
7.Mention the storage class's names in C++?
   There are 5 types of storage classes:
auto, static, extern, register and mutable.
8.What operators are used to access the class members?  
    Normal class members are accessed using Dot(.) operator and pointer members are accessed using Arrow(->) operator.
9.Name the default standard streams in C++?
   There are four default standard streams in C++:
cin, cout, cerr and clog.
10.what is the data type to store the Boolean value?
     Boolean values are represented using bool keyword. this is the primitive data type introduced in C++.  
        "more about C&C++ you want click the link below"

2.Java interview questions.

1.what do you know about java?
 java is high-level programing language originally developed by sun Microsystems and released in 1995. java runs on a verity of platforms, such as Windows, Mac, OS and the various versions of UNIX.
2.List any five features of java?
Some features include Object Oriented, platform independent, Robust, interpreted, multi-threaded.
3.why java is considered dynamic?
it is designed to adept to an evolving environment. Java programs can carry extensive amount of run-time information that can be used to verify and resolve accesses to objects on run-time.
4.How java enable high performance?
Java uses Just-in-time compiler to enable high performance. Just-in-time compiler is a programme that contains instructions that must be interpreted into instructions that can be sent directly to the processor.
5.Why java Architectural Neutral? 
it's compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format, which makes the compiled code o be executable on many processors, with presence of java runtime system.
6.List some java keyword (unlike C,C++ keyword)?
Some java keywords are import, super, finally, etc.
7.Difine class?
A class is a blue print from which individual objects are created. A class can contain fields and methods to describe the behaviour of an object.
8.what is local variable?
Variables defined inside methods, constructors or block are called local variables. The variable will be declared and initialized within the method and it will be destroyed wen the method has completed.
9.Difine packages in java?
A package can be defined as a groping of related types(classes, interface, enumerations and annotations) providing access protection and name space management.
10.why packages are used?
packages are used in java in-order to prevent naming conflicts, to controls access, to make searching/location and usage of classes, interfaces, enumerations and annotations, etc. easier .
11.what is an interface?
An interface is a collection of abstract methods. A class implements an interface, thereby inheriting the abstract methods of the interface.
     "more about java you want click the link below"

2.Web developer.

A web developer is programmer who specialized in, or is specifically engaged in, the development of WWW applications, or application that are run HTTP from a web server to web browser. 
Basic languages for web developing.
  * PHP.
  * JavaScript.

1.HTML/CSS interview  questions.

1.Do all HTML tags come in pair?
No, not all HTML tags come in pair.
e.g. <img>, <br>
2.what are some of the common list that can be used when designing a page ?
Some common lists that can be used are:
a)Ordered list.
b)Unordered list.
c)Definition list.
d)Menu list.
e)Directory list.
3.What is the advantage of collapsing white space?
the browser collapses the multiple white space into a single white space in HTML.
this allows the developers to arrange the HTML code in a well organised and legible format.
4.Is it possible to list elements straight in an html file?
Yes, it is possible with use of indents.
5.What is hierarchy is being followed when in style sheets?
 -Inline style takes priority over embedded style sheets.
-embedded style tack priority over external style sheets.
-If a single selector includes three different style definition, the definition that is closed to the tag gets the priority.
6.How can I hide my source?
No, you can't hide your source as it is required by the browser to display your document.
7.what is <di> tag in html?
-<di> is definition list tag used in html.
-it is used <dt> and <dd>.
-<dt>list the item while <dd> describes it.
8.what is CSS?
CSS stands for cascading style sheets. by using CSS with HTML we can change the lock of the web page by changing the font size and colour of the font.CSS plays an important role in builiding the websites. Well written CSS file can be used to change the presentation of each web page.
9.what is the deference between HTML and HTML5?
  1.Document of HTML is very large as compare to the HTML5.
  2.Audio and Video tags are not in html. html5 contains audio and video tags.
  3.vector technology is not integral In html. html5 vector technology is integral part of it.
  4.HTML supported by all old browsers whereas HTML5 supported by new browsers.
10.How to insert JavaScript in HTML?
We can insert JavaScript in html using <Script tag>. JavaScript can be enclosed in <script type=text/JavaScript> and ending with </script>.
<script type="text/JavaScript">


      "more about HTML/CSS you want click the link below"

PHP interview questions.

1.What is PHP?

PHP is recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext pre-processor".
PHP is a server side scripting language that is a server side scripting language that is embedded in html. it is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session tricking, even build entire e-commerce sites.
2.In how many ways you can embed PHP code in an HTML page?
All PHP code must be included inside one of the three special mark-up tags ate are recognised by the PHP parser.
3.What is escaping to PHP?
the PHP parsing engine needs a way to differentiate PHP code from other elements in the page. the mechanism for doing so is know as "escaping to PHP".
4.Is PHP a case sensitive language?
No, PHP is partially case sensitive.
5.What are PHP magic constants?
PHP provides a large number of predefined constants to any script which it runs known as magic constants.
        "more about PHP you want click the link below"
  "Next post we see other two jobs qualification language and interview questions.(3.databace administrator and network administrator)"


  1. Hi There,

    Zoooooooom! That’s how speedy and easy this read was! Looking forward to more of such powerful content on C++ interview questions!

    I have a 1.7 year of exp in C. I wanted to develop a project from job point of view which can make a resume much stronger.

    If a program is large, it is subdivided into a number of smaller programs that are called modules or subprograms. If a complex problem is solved using more modules, this approach is known as modular programming.

    Very useful article, if I run into challenges along the way, I will share them here.



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